Vote For Project Tyria in the Screenshot Contest!

Guild Wars 2 is currently having a contest with SteelSeries. As I'm infatuated with the SteelSeries Guild Wars 2 set, I've entered the screenshot contest with a landscape screenshot. If you could take a minute out of your day and vote for my screenshot, I would be very grateful! Project Tyria wants to hold the title of having a winning, stunning landscape screenshot. After all, it's what the site does!

Please vote for me here:
Vote for Project Tyria!

Yet again, I'll be very grateful to those of you who vote for my screenshot! For now, I'll post a few of the many pictures from the set I took before I finally chose one to send in!


  1. voted :PP
    will be there more comparsions from BWE3 ? :P

  2. Thank you very much!
    And yes, there will be! I have a lot of stuff that requires me to get to the end of missions, so I'm saving it until my usual party can go through with me. But you can expect more throughout the week.
